Your Bespoke Blend
prescribe a herbal formula
that works best for your needs.
Your formula
that fits.
It could be a complete waste of time and money to slather creams that claim to treat a specific symptom without taking into consideration of your body condition and other variables that could greatly affect the outcome of what you are trying to achieve.
SOVOS at the forefront of science and tecnology, is now offering an evidence-based custom personal care experience. Completely suited to your skin type, allergies, concerns and weather climate; we develop a symptom-focused formula in achieving optimal results for your specific body needs. Optimize your existing personal care by trusting a fully qualified therapist who is experienced and skilled in conducting a full in-depth diagnostic. Get to know your real problems and target them and no more you would need to blindly chase after new technologies.
anti-oxidant complex
flexible formulation
What happens next?