Anosmia & Hyposmia

work with professionals

SOVOS is honoured to work on neurosensory rehabilitation and olfactory network recovery in COVID-19-related olfactory dysfunction with professionals from Department of Microbiology & Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Pamela Youde, Nethersole Eastern Hospital. We are so proud that our Electronic Portable Aromatic Rehabilitation (EPAR) Diffuser is used in the research to help smell training for the recovery in COVID-19-related olfactory dysfunction.

Corticosteroids - a class of drug that lowers inflammation in the body - are not recommended to treat smell loss due to Covid-19. There is very little evidence that corticosteroids will help with smell loss. And because they have well known potential adverse side effects, including fluid retention, high blood pressure, and problems with mood swings and behavior.

Smell Training

This is a process that involves sniffing different odors over a period of months to retrain the brain to recognize different smells. Four things that have a distinctive, easily identifiable, and familiar smell - for example, oranges, mint, garlic or coffee – for around 20 seconds, twice a day on each scent for several months. You should be really concentrating on what you’re doing.

You will need:

1. Your training kit. (4 different fragrances)

2. A few minutes a day.

How it affects our lives?

It impacts not only your ability to detect odors, but also other areas of your life. Many individuals Trusted Source report a decreased quality of life with anosmia and hyposmia.

Your sense of taste and sense
of smell are closely linked. In fact, experiencing a loss of smell can greatly impact your sense of taste. It’s estimated that 95 percent of the time when there’s a loss of taste, it’s associated with a reduced sense of smell.



A large number of the participants no longer enjoyed eating, and some had lost appetite and weight, eating more food with low nutritional value that was high in fat, salt, and sugar — and had consequently gained weight.


Many study participants reported that their loss of smell meant that they could no longer participate in social activities, such as cooking for friends and family, which made them feel isolated.



Previous research has shown that people who havelost their sense of smell also report high rates of depression, anxiety,
isolation, and relationship difficulties.

