孕吐舒緩精油 Morning Sickness Relief Essential Blend 5ml
Regular price $280.00 HKD晨吐是懷孕初期的症狀之一,這些生理不適感會影響孕媽媽的精神狀態。
- 有機佛手柑精油
- 有機葡萄柚精油
- 有機柑橘精油
- 有機苦橙葉精油
- 有機橙花精油
— 蒸薰法:將5 - 10滴精油滴於香薰擴散器,把精油擴散到整個空間中
— 吸入法:把1 - 2滴精油滴在枕頭或衣領上直接吸入

" SOVOS鑽研針對性草本學,細閱臨床文獻,比較及嚴選最高效能之草本「品種」及「種植地」。以全天然及針對性的治療師配方緩解孕婦需要,絕無添加坊間常見的各種化學添加劑及防腐劑, 只用效果說話。"
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, often known as morning sickness, is very common in early pregnancy. It is unpleasant, and for some pregnant women it can significantly affect their day-to-day life.
Morning Sickness Relief Essential Blend is a natural remedy which contains a blend of citrus oils like mandarin, petitgrain and neroli. It helps to deal with an unsettled tummy during pregnancy by calming the stomach muscles, aiding with gastric secretion and stimulating appetite.
100% Natural & Organic Ingredients:
- Bergamot Essential Oil
- Grapefruit Essential Oil
- Mandarin Essential Oil
- Petitgrain Essential Oil
- Neroli Essential Oil
— Diffusion:use a diffuser to diffuse 5-10 drops in the room
— Essential oil on the pillow:place 1-2 drops on the pillow or collar

"Pregnant women may be more sensitive to synthetic fragrance and that some scents can also make you nauseated, light-headed, agitated, or more prone to headaches and respiratory issues. SOVOS Essential Blend is formulated with 100% natural botanicals without harsh chemicals that provides aroma therapeutic benefits. "
" SOVOS follows strict herbal apothecary in selecting ONLY the finest therapeutic grade botanical species from right soils around the globe in delivering the best fit and most effective synergistic formulas on a personal level."