Step 1- 濕疹抗敏急救修復油 (6歲以上) SOS Eczema Therapy Oil (Aged 6+) 15ml
Regular price $380.00 HKD主 要 功 效:
— 即時舒緩濕疹症狀
— 建立健康肌膚屏障
高效成份 : 有機藍艾菊
100% 天 然 有 效 成 分
- 有機瓊崖海棠油
- 有機藍艾菊精油
- 有機黑種草精油
- 及其他天然草本成份
❌化學添加 ❌合成香料 ❌人工色素 ❌動物實驗 ❌類固醇
建 議 使 用 方 法 :
局部使用於濕疹位置, 以1-2滴油塗上薄薄一層直至吸收,配合「Step 2 滋潤修復濕疹霜」,詳情可與治療師直接對話。
適 合 膚 質 及 人 士 :
- 濕疹、皮膚敏感及容易泛紅
- 炎症及乾燥膚質
- 面部及身體部位
- 6歲以上可使用
"植物油及精油的提取方法會影響其品質和療效,使用「CO2 Extract 二氧化碳萃取法」能保留最多有效活性成分,且不殘留任何化學溶劑,功效和安全性遠高於市面上一般產品所使用的「浸泡萃取法」。"


❌Synthetic Fragrances ❌Colorants ❌Steroid
According to National Eczema Association, the more oil in a moisturizer, the better it usually is at treating eczema. The fragrance free and dye free product are the safest and least irritating.
This SOS Eczema Therapy Oil alleviates itching caused by eczema and dry skin, and helps to reduce the appearance of redness. With regular application, your skin will remain moisturized and supple.
Suitable for:
- Eczema, sensitive skin, skin redness & dryness
- For facial and body use
- Aged 6 and above
Therapeutic Effect:
— Instant relief & soothing
✔️Soothes the intolerable itch, reactive redness and inflammation
— Strengthen Skin Barrier
✔️Speed up wound healing
✔️Give extra boost of moisture
✔️Act as a barrier against irritants
Organic Nigella sativa (Black Cumin) Oil

1 0 0 % Natural & Active Ingredients :
- Organic Calophyllum inophyllum (Tamanu) oil
- Organic Tanacetum annuum (Blue tansy) oil
- Organic Nigella sativa (Black Cumin) Oil
- and other botanical oils
100% natural ingredients.

"Extraction method may affect the quality and therapeutic effect of essential oils and carrier oils. CO2 Extraction can isolate and remove molecule with even better precision and more active ingredients. It allows to separate chemicals efficiently. Eczema Therapy Oil has exceptional anti-inflammatory properties compared to other macerated oil. "