白蘭花保濕修復護手霜 Magnolia Serum Infused Hand Cream 35ml
白蘭花保濕修復護手霜 Magnolia Serum Infused Hand Cream 35ml

白蘭花保濕修復護手霜 Magnolia Serum Infused Hand Cream 35ml

Regular price $280.00 HKD

最 天 然 醇 厚 的 白 蘭 芳 香

“ 為您尋回真正的白蘭幽香,提煉自千朵白蘭的矜貴精萃。”



高 效 保 濕 修 復 配 方


化學添加 ❌化學防腐劑 ❌合成香料 ❌人工色素 ❌動物實驗


1. 深層長效保濕
2. 即時舒緩修復
3. 強化皮膚屏障


— 清洗雙手後,以適量的護手霜於手心手背均衡塗抹打圈
— 按摩至完全吸收為止,可重覆使用

白蘭花萃取油 Magnolai (Michelia alba) Oil
神經醯胺 Ceramides 1,3,6-II
有機大麻籽油 Organic Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil
有機金盞花CO2萃取 Organic Calendula Officinalis CO2 Extract
有機積雪草萃取 Organic Centella asiatica Extract
有機玫瑰果油 Organic Rosa canina Fruit Oil


    比一般保濕成分更有效鎖住角質細胞水分,強化皮膚免疫功能,留意Ceramide有分不同種類!市面上如果有Ceramide 多數只添加 Ceramide 2 作平衡水份,含有Ceramide 1, 3, 6-11 才有助皮膚修復。

    人體表皮層的角質細胞之間有一種物質叫做胞間脂質(Intercellular Lipids),其主要作用是鎖住皮膚的水分。其中,Ceramide(神經醯胺)佔比50%,是皮膚屏障的重要元素之一。研究發現,患有濕疹的人體皮膚中,Ceramide 1(EOP)、Ceramide 3(NP)和Ceramide 6-11(AP)的含量較普通皮膚低,導致皮膚屏障功能較差,容易出現乾燥敏感的情況。儘管科學家尚未能解釋缺少Ceramide和濕疹發生的因果關係,但研究普遍認為,補充Ceramide有助於修復皮膚屏障,改善濕疹徵狀。 

    (Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, 2008) 



    品 牌 介 紹 






    "Scent like "home" - the Hong Kong memory collection"

    Discover this contemporary yet timeless and elegant magnolia scent collection for a tantalizing hair, body, soul experience. Capturing the very heart and soul of Hong Kong, the soothing nostalgia scent carries you back to a summer walk in childhood with a cool breeze caressed by the subtle refreshing scent of blossoming white magnolia.

    100% distilled directly from the original Michelia Alba flower, preserving not only the nostalgic essence, also the true aromatherapeutic benefits of this luxurious essence.

    Natural and organic, 100% plant-based ingredients, completely harsh chemical free advanced formula.

    ❌Harsh Chemicals  ❌Paraben  ❌Fragrance Free  ❌Dye ❌Phthalate 

    ❌Steroid Free  ❌SLS


    A D V A N C E D  R E P A I R  &  M O I S T U R I Z E   F O R M U L A 

    A therapeutic formula specially formulated for sensitive dry hands that combines potent botanical ingredients, essential ceramides 1,3,6-II, and natural moisturizing factors to leave rough chapped hands looking soft, supple and smooth again.

    Organic magnolia hand cream with serum-infused penetrates easily into the skin. It is an effective solution clinically proven effective to help heal and repair skin’s moisture barrier. This luxurious, delicately scented hand cream also contains magnolia essence that is distilled directly from the original beautiful Michelia Alba flowers.

    Effective Hand Care Solutions:

    1. Intensively hydrates

    ✔️Quick absorbing, keeps the hands feeling soft and smooth
    ✔️Locks in moisture and keeps the skin hydrated

    2. Instant relief

    Calm the appearance of reactive redness and inflammation
    ✔️Helps repair, restore and protect rough and dry hands

    3. Strengthen Skin's Moisture Barrier 

    ✔️Helps protect from the harmful irritants and allergens
    ✔️Increases skin's elasticity 

    Suitable for: All skin types including extra dry cracked hands, sensitive, eczema and pregnant


    1 0 0 % Natural & Active Ingredients:

      • Organic Calendula Officinalis CO2 Extract
      • Organic Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil
      • Organic Centella asiatica Extract
      • Organic Rosa canina Fruit Oil
      • Ceramides 1,3,6-II


        Beware of the types of ceramide in your cream, Ceramide 2 has a crucial role in the hydration of skin, but only Ceramide 1, 3, 6 are essential in restoring the skin’s own protective function.

        (Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, 2008) 


        " SOVOS follows strict herbal apothecary in selecting ONLY the finest therapeutic grade botanical species from right soils around the globe in delivering the best fit and most effective synergistic formulas on a personal level."

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