產後修身護理油 Postnatal Circulation & Slimming Treatment Oil 100ml
產後修身護理油 Postnatal Circulation & Slimming Treatment Oil 100ml

產後修身護理油 Postnatal Circulation & Slimming Treatment Oil 100ml

Regular price $480.00 HKD



  • 有機葡萄柚精油
  • 有機絲柏精油
  • 有機天竺葵精油
  • 有機檸檬香茅精油

— 大腿:從膝蓋上方到大腿根部處,雙手掌輕壓並向上移,每邊按1 - 2分鐘
— 小腿:雙手包住小腿肚,除拇指外,其它手指可用點力度由下往上推擦按摩,每邊按1 - 2分鐘
— 腳背:順著食趾、中趾、無名趾、尾趾根部骨骼的方向揉搓至腳踝,每邊10次
— 腳踝:以指尖順時針按摩腳踝後方,每邊10次
— 膝蓋:按摩膝蓋後面,然後向大腿方向移動,輕柔地按摩每邊10次
— 每次使用前輕輕搖晃瓶身

《 SOVOS 治療師提提您 》

" SOVOS鑽研針對性草本學,細閱臨床文獻,比較及嚴選最高效能之草本「品種」及「種植地」。以全天然及針對性的治療師配方緩解孕婦需要,絕無添加坊間常見的各種化學添加劑及防腐劑, 只用效果說話。"




Containing a blend of various natural diuretic ingredients, including grapefruit, cypress, geranium and lemongrass, Postnatal Slimming & Circulation Treatment Oil helps remove toxins and tone down the cellulite fat from body.  This beloved oil is great for postpartum use to help detoxify body thus helping in the process of slimming and recovery.  

100% Natural & Organic Ingredients:

  • Organic Grapeseed Essential Oil
  • Organic Cypress Essential Oil
  • Organic Geranium Essential Oil
  • Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil 

How to use:
— Thighs: From the top of the knees to the base of the thighs, gently press the palms of both hands and move up, pressing each side for 1-2 minutes.
— calfs: Cover the calf with both hands, use fingers except thumbs to massage from the bottom to the top for 1-2 minutes.
— Instep: Follow the direction of the bones of the index toe, middle toe, nameless toe, and tail toe to the ankle, 10 times on each side.
— Ankle: Massage the back of the ankle clockwise with fingertips, 10 times each side.
— Knee: Massage the back of the knee, then move to thigh, gently massage each side 10 times.
— Shake the bottle gently before use.


《 SOVOS Therapist Tip 》
"After pregnancy, many new moms may want to reach for more heavy-duty formulas to speed up the slimming process. Just keep in mind that if you're breastfeeding, it's recommended that you continue to avoid some ingredients such as peppermint until you wean. Those ingredients may reduce lactation."










" SOVOS follows strict herbal apothecary in selecting ONLY the finest therapeutic grade botanical species from right soils around the globe in delivering the best fit and most effective synergistic formulas on a personal level."




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