Therapy Cafe 啡療|茶療 有機殺菌噴霧套裝
Therapy Cafe 啡療|茶療 有機殺菌噴霧套裝
Therapy Cafe 啡療|茶療 有機殺菌噴霧套裝
Therapy Cafe 啡療|茶療 有機殺菌噴霧套裝
Therapy Cafe 啡療|茶療 有機殺菌噴霧套裝
Therapy Cafe 啡療|茶療 有機殺菌噴霧套裝
Therapy Cafe 啡療|茶療 有機殺菌噴霧套裝

Therapy Cafe 啡療|茶療 有機殺菌噴霧套裝

Regular price $96.00 HKD


Fresh out of SOVOS roastery..
a novel and tantalizing experience to sanitizer your hand!

Doubleshot for your mind and soul.

A caffeine shot in the morning to sharpen your mind.
A relaxing chamomile tea in the afternoon for a moment of tranquility.

An aromatherapy sanitizer designed for urban drillers awakening your senses. Soothe your coffee crave anytime with a spritz ready in your pocket.



Steam distilled from essence of premium Arabica coffee beans from Haiwaii.

CALM _____ TEA

Calm inducing chamomile tea formula with clary sage of France and chamomile from England.


Efficacy & bio-tested, suitable for kids, pregnant, G6PD. Advanced hydrating disinfectant formula tested by SGS, made with 99.9% botanical ingredients and 70% corn alcohol.


// Collaboration invitation //
Inspire us with your idea! Besides corporates, we always try to be supportive to the local community in hong kong, old or young, rich or poor, creative or professionals.

// SOVOS Aromatherapy //
" SOVOS ", an ancient Latin word for " Bespoke ", specialises in evidence-based botanical apothecary for everyday wellbeing. SOVOS is "Your Private Herbal Clinic" inspired by clinical plant science.

// Formulation //
Organic plant science with advanced antibacterial & antiviral proprietary formula.
. Suitable for pregnant, children, G6PD
. Free from fragrance, xenoestrogens, paraben, phthalate
. Switzerland SGS tested
. WHO guideline compliant enhanced disinfectant formula
. Bio-safety non-animal testing using Nobel-prized green fluorescent protein technology
. "Excellent Performance" by local product authority magazine "Topick"
. "Editor's Choice" Mama & Baby award by the "Beauty Shortlist Awards", one of the UK's leading beauty awards

// What is Aromatherapy //
A form of complementary therapy with well-supported clinical studies and scientifically based, a natural holistic therapy using 100% pure essential oils extracted from botanical sources - to balance and treat the mind, body and soul.


啡療 |茶療

有機殺菌噴霧套裝 (20ml x2)

當感到疲倦時,習慣喝杯咖啡休息的你,不如試試改變一下?歡迎來到 SOVOS Therapy Cafe,我們這裡提供能讓你放鬆身心的咖啡香味噴霧及安撫人心的洋甘菊香味噴霧。暫時以嗅覺代替味蕾,深深一吸一呼,享受片刻之寧靜空間。

早上聞一聞咖啡香 精神開始新的一天
下午拿出洋甘菊香噴霧 鬆弛略帶疲憊的腦袋

為了讓Coffeeholics可每分每秒浸淫於咖啡因子中,SOVOS調香團隊以專業「水蒸氣蒸餾(Steam Distillation)」方式,把100%哥倫比亞阿拉比卡咖啡豆(California Arabica Beans)香氣加入有機殺菌噴霧中,搭配99.9%純天然植物素材,輕輕一噴,周遭空間立即充滿如晨光中沖泡咖啡之誘人香氣。其輕便小巧包裝方便日常外出攜帶,工作時累了,不一定要喝咖啡喔,從口袋中拿出這咖啡香味有機殺菌噴霧吧。

洋甘菊名稱來自希臘語「Khamai Melon」,意思為「大地上的蘋果」。它的花香氣味微甜,介乎於青草和蘋果之間,微微一吸,那溫柔可人的香味神奇地安撫鬆弛你的內心。SOVOS調香團隊以專業「水蒸氣蒸餾(Steam Distillation)」方式及獨有草本調配手法,把洋甘菊(Chamomile)味道,搭配99.9%純天然植物素材,加入有機殺菌噴霧中。無論是小童、孕婦或者G6PD人士均可使用。



SOVOS 希望能回饋本地社區,與不同界別品牌為香港帶來全新創意產品,現邀請各咖啡店或相關專業人士一同合作,打造多款咖啡或茶香味之有機殺菌噴霧。

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